Sunday, November 27, 2022

All or Nothing

The image below appeared in the August 28th, 1955, Boston Sunday Globe Fiction Magazine pullout. That's week's edition began with a short Halfaday Creek story.

The story spanned the bulk of the first four pages of that section. Black John Smith and his motley crew graced the pages of many issues of Short Stories magazine but rarely found their way onto the cover, so seeing them depicted here is cool. Obviously, that's John on the left, presumably flanked by Cush, and the Mountie is none other than corporal Downey. 

It seems that Hendryx's Halfaday stories appeared at least semi-regularly in that publication. That will be something on which to keep an eye. In the meantime, I've ordered a third collection of Halfaday stories from Steeger Books and look forward to diving into those.