Saturday, February 13, 2021

Welcome to Halfaday Creek!

I've only been here a few days and I love it already!

I came across the Halfaday Creek series while searching for "Northerns", being the name I've seen given to stories about Mounties. I suppose it can apply to any story that takes place in northern Canada but I was looking for Mounties specifically.

James B. Hendrix's tales of a town on the Yukon / Alaska border didn't seem to exactly meet that criteria of my search (though I believe he does have a member of the Northwest Mounted Police visit on occasion) but Steeger Books' sales pitch of the publisher's reprints of those tales drew and held my attention for some time.

What prevented me from buying right away was difficulty in locating details about the series. I prefer to read in chronological order and I couldn't figure out which Creek story came first. As a result, I was also unable to determine which of Steeger's several collections I should start with.

Ultimately, it doesn't seem to matter a whole lot. Skullduggery starts with two stories published in 1944, then has three from 1939 and later one from 1936 then further still has one from 1955. I believe now that the Steeger collections can be bought in any order. 

I'm glad that this lack of clarity didn't deter me from purchasing Skullduggery on Halfaday Creek. I've read only two of the stories therein but have enjoyed them a great deal.

Curiously, the first involves the primary character, Black John, traveling away from the Creek and a significant portion of the second is about an encounter during his return to town. So thus far I know little about Halfaday Creek and its colourful characters but I am quite eager to meet everyone. 

I'm not great with names so I'm going to use this blog to keep everything and everyone straight and hopefully it can be of use to someone one day wanting to make the trip!